
OpenIdeo Creative Bridges


Workshop Design & Facilitation

Event Coordination

Marketing Strategy

Co-hosting Event


Patricia Salcedo de Arce

Irene Cajas

Diejo Trincado


Build unique bridges between people, organisations, and beliefs to promote meaningful engagement that leads to sustainable, community-led change.


“How might we as people on the move build bridges to a shared future of stability and promise?”

Changing the world is not an easy task. It requires passion, empathy, diversity, and a whole lot of fearless innovative thinking.

But most importantly, it requires unity.

I teamed up with SINGA BCN and OpenIDEO Barcelona to develop a creative workshop that aims to bridge cultural and social gaps hindering our growth as a community. #BridgeBuilderChallenge. 

We invited local, migrant and refugee communities to join creative forces and explore ways we could co-create a more inclusive and diverse society.

My Role

I collaborated with social changemakers Irene Cajas and Patricia Salcedo de Arce to design the workshop, produce all materials, manage logistics, and co-host the event.

I was also responsible for building a marketing strategy that would attract the right audiences, and offered creative support throughout the event.

Workshop objectives:

  • Make creative space for connection. Interactive and dynamic activities that allow newcomers and locals to build bonds and get to know each other.

  • Demonstrate the power of creating something together. We celebrated individuality within a unified collective, by letting people create personal art pieces that later became part of a whole.

  • Showing solidarity. Celebrate a global movement of people who recognise that the future is diverse, and that together we are stronger.

After the workshop an event toolkit was created to encourage people to host and co-create similar creative events where newcomers and locals can connect as peers.


Mission 2030 Hackathon


SINGA & Conexus