
SINGA Barcelona

Conexus Accelerator


Art Direction

Content Creation

Workshop Facilitation

Communication Strategy

Event Coordination

Creative Project Management





To use the power of design, communication & entrepreneurship to connect communities, challenge the status quo, and rethink the way we do business.


SINGA is an international movement that connects newcomers (migrant & refugee communities) with locals to help build a more cohesive & inclusive society.

While doing my Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing (2019-20), I worked closely with the SINGA team on various projects including entrepreneurial and social events, content creation, and creative project management.

I’m still an active member of the community, and collaborate with the team in my free time.

Check out some of the work we did together below.

Video by MindStudios


Creative Storytelling

When I first joined in 2019, I developed an integrated communication strategy highlighting the vision of unlocking the full potential of every person - no matter who they are, or where they are from.

When building and managing the creative teams, I took on a human-centred approach that focused on the community members.

We followed a 3-part process of Story-Listening, Story-Crafting & Story-Sharing.


Design for connection

I collaborated with designers, Priscilla Li and Christian Saavedra Briceño, to create the look and feel for the SINGA Labs campaign and incubator. This included campaign messages, an animated video (see below), online and offline materials, presentations, and communication elements.

As SINGA works with an expansive network of volunteers, it was important to create a simple yet dynamic style. We stuck to their original color palette and used shapes as the primary design elements. This allowed us to build a system that is easy to replicate, yet still leaves room for volunteers to explore their individual creativity. Many of the templates are still being used today.


Video by Priscilla Li

Conexus Accelerator I & II

Conexus is a 5-month accelerator program supporting migrant and refugee-led early stage startups in Barcelona, Spain.

During the first program I designed and facilitated multiple workshops focusing on Brand Design, Content Strategy and Pitching Ideas. I also acted as a mentor throughout the program, and gave feedback on project ideas.

Conexus II is taking place November 2021 - March 2022. Again, I will be leading various workshops, offering input on the overall curriculum, and acting as a mentor to participants during the program.


Changemaker Events

Since working with SINGA I have led, supported and acted as a mentor in various entrepreneurial and social activities.

Some of my favourite events include: presenting at Techfugees Hackathon, facilitating the Mentor-Me Program, and giving feedback on social impact projects at the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion event in Madrid.


OpenIDEO - Creative Bridges Challenges


Conexion Studio